How To Figure Out How Much Disk Space You Need For Your Website
While more and more people become comfortable with using the Internet more people are starting up new websites and small businesses. The ease of use is a main reason many people turn to the Internet. The ability to work from the comfort of home and be your own boss is another reason so many people are developing web based businesses and community websites. Families have also found the internet can be a great way to stay connected with loved ones that live far away. The ability to post instant messages and pictures to one another via the Internet makes sense for today's busy lifestyles.
Developing your own website is not too difficult. If you want to have your own website you often have to purchase disk space from a web host site. This is the amount of hard disk space the site will allow you to use at any given time. For most nominal websites the standard amount of disk space giving upon initial purchase is 5MB. As long as you are forming a simple family site for pictures and communication this amount of disk space should be more than enough. Even if you are beginning a small business whether online or just advertising online, 5MB should be sufficient amount of disk space. For either project it is highly likely that you will still have plenty of remaining disk space.
Many web hosts will encourage you to purchase more MB of disk space, however this is rarely in your best interest to do so. If you have decided to offer some files for downloading it may become necessary to purchase additional disk space. Also some adult web sites have an additional need for more disk space generally remaining in the 10-12MB range.
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