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Website Production Made EZ and Quick

My desire as an "Information Junkie" is responsible for my spending countless dollars and time in research to enter the profitable Internet Marketing scene. This has resulted in "Information Overload".
My way of learning is to experience the necessary avenues and thereby achieve the results I desire. An example is: I made up my mind to design a website and signed up with a webhosting company. Thereafter I proceeded to create(?) a website to assist others who may have had the same questions and problems I had encountered.
I was happy with the looks of the website, but NO ONE signed up for my "creative" followup emails. To say nothing about no one purchaseing my affiliate programs that I carefully picked for them. A great portion of my problem (besides my inability to produce good copy) was: No one found my great website!
To attract people to your Website you can utilize: List brokers, ffa (free for all ads) lists, article writing (like this) joint ventures and so many other sources of generalized and targeted lists. PPC (pay per click) systems are an effective way to expand your identity.
Utilizing the above methods will enhance the establishment of an attractive website as a source of worthwhile information or products. Be sure to get email addresses with a name catcher of some sort. This will give you the ability to follow up with these signers on a consistant basis allowing an excellent opportunity to sell additional products on a weekly, monthly or any basis you choose. Once you have developed a trusting rapport with your "friends" you can help them with more information via emails from your acquired list. Do not spam, use only opt-in email lists.
As an example of how I corrected my lack of expertise in Internet Marketing: For creating websites, I now use a hosting company that has simplified everything. This outstanding system has streamlined the whole process. Following the very descriptive instructions and the simple "on screen" tutorial allows virtually anyone to produce professional websites. With the setting up of the website solved, your abilities to create attractive and workable website copy is up to you. Check the internet for "package" deals.
By doing this, you will gain more time will become available to gather willing names and develop relationships. I believe after you develop your techniques for web building, etc. the most profitable time is what you spend on your list and continual commnication.
Search out a webhosting company that backs you up with help through email and phone. Periodic "Webinair" and email conferences are constant sources of great followup information. Ebook bonuses at sign-up are a great plus. Much discussion should be given about the all important contact list and how to acquire additional business leads.
Using complete systems can eliminate much of your research, costs and general searching for answers. A beginner can not find a more practical approach to Internet Marketing. You will be satisfied with a reliable hosting company that offers such a package.


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